Support and FAQ


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Support / FAQ

Booking Details

You can find the properties address in the booking confirmation that was emailed to you.

You can find the room and property facilities in your booking confirmation.

The property manager can provide you with an invoice for your stay, so please contact them directly.

Be sure to check your email inbox, spam, and junk folders. If you still can't find your confirmation, go to and we'll resend it to you.

This depends on the property manager who will do their best to meet your needs but can't guarantee request. You can do either of the following:

Request and early or late check-in/check-out

Contact the property manager

Yes! You can make changes to your booking by contacting the property manager. Depending on the property manager's policy. You can do the following:

Change Dates

Cancel Booking

Edit credit card details

Make a request


Yes – any cancellation fees are determined by the property and listed in your cancellation policy. You'll pay any additional costs to the property.

If you have a free cancellation booking, you won't pay a cancellation fee. If your booking isn't free to cancel anymore or is non-refundable, you may incur a cancellation fee. Any cancellation fees are determined by the property, and you'll pay any additional costs to the property.

Canceling a Non-Refundable booking usually incurs a charge. However, you might have the option to request free cancellation when managing your booking. This sends a request to the property, who may decide to waive your cancellation fee. It's not possible to change dates for a Non-Refundable booking, though it's possible to re-book for your desired dates if your waive fees request is successful.

After you cancel a booking with us, you should get an email confirming the cancellation. Make sure to check your inbox and spam/junk mail folders. If you don’t receive an email within 24 hours, contact the property to confirm they got your cancellation.

You can find this in your booking confirmation.

Corona Virus Related Support

Select your booking in the help center to check available options.

If your booking was affected by coronavirus-related events (e.g. border closures or travel limitations set by authorities) but is no longer free to cancel or non-refundable, select the booking in the help center to review your options to manage it.

If your booking is no longer free to cancel or non-refundable, you may incur a cancellation fee. You can contact the property to see if it's possible to change the dates of your booking or cancel it.

Each property has its own cancelation policy. If that policy allows a change of dates or free cancellation, you're entitled to that.

Credit Cards

If you are paying for 100% of reservation amount you can us e a debit card.

Yes, but only if you have permission from the cardholder. When you make the booking, state that you’re using someone else’s card with their permission in the “Special requests” box. The property may require authorization from the cardholder. In the case of a no-show or late cancellation, any penalties will be charged to the card provided when the booking was made.

Your card provider can better explain this, along with the general terms and conditions associated with their pre-authorization procedures. These terms vary across the board, so it’s best to contact them for specific details.

In most cases, the hotel will pre-authorize your card for the full amount of your reservation. On occasion, you may see an amount slightly higher than the rate shown on If this does happen, the hotel can explain why this has occurred.

Contact the property directly. You can find their contact info in your booking confirmation email.

You will be able to see and select the Credit Card that each property accepts by navigating to the Booking page.


All properties listed on this site are instant book properties, the only form of payment is accepted Credit Cards by property.

Each property has a specific set of payment policies. You can find payment associated with each property on the property details page.

In most cases, no action is required from you. As outlined in the payment policy for your booking, this is likely just a prepayment for all or part of the total cost.

If there is no prepayment policy, then the property may have taken a test payment from your card. This is a temporary hold used to guarantee your booking and will be returned to you.

If you still believe the charge is unexpected, you can contact us for assistance. We can only contact the property on your behalf after you submit proof of charge.

You'll find the payment policy in your booking confirmation, in the pricing section. This section also includes a price breakdown and the accepted payment methods.

All properties listed on this site are instant book properties, the only form of payment is accepted Credit Card by property. Payments will be charged to your Credit Card based on the property's payment policy listed within the property detail page (Things to Know Section)

Properties request this to confirm your reservation. You may be pre-authorized* to ensure that your credit card is valid and has sufficient funds. In some cases, your details are used to pay for your stay when you book.

*A pre-authorization is a temporary hold on an amount to ensure your card is valid and has sufficient funds. The amount held will be returned to your account after a certain period of time, depending on the property and your card provider.

The Property will be responsible for charging your Credit Card. Payments will be charged to your Credit Card based on the property's payment policy listed within the property detail page (Things to Know Section)

 You can locate the payment policy Before Booking (within the property detail page of each property and under "Things To Know). After the Booking is completed you can find the payment policy details in your reservation confirmation email.


Call us at: 949-334-9192 Ext 101
Support Hours
Monday - Sunday from 8:00 am to 5 pm PST

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